Medical Cost Containment

4 Questions to ask your TPA about Medical Cost Containment

  • What % savings are you achieving, excluding duplicates?
  • Is an effective professional review element driving the process?
  • How are you charged for fee schedule, professional review, and PPO savings?
  • How is the payment for medical cost containment processed?

Many TPAs charge review to the claim file based on a percent of savings structure. The actual fee is masked and, therefore, not measurable on a return on investment basis*. This strategy is advantageous to the TPA because traditional percent of savings structures are very expensive. Therefore, it is not a statistic most TPAs want to highlight to their clients.

Mackinaw Administrators’ TPA medical cost containment solution is transparent, comprehensive, and, most importantly, structured to deliver maximum savings and accuracy at the lowest cost and highest return on investment. We proudly report all results in our monthly scorecard report

Medical Cost Containment Savings with Mackinaw Administrators’ TPA

65% Savings

Mackinaw TPA Results
$32.73 Return On Investment*

52% Savings

Competitor’s Advertised Results
$12.80 Return On Investment*

*Amount saved per dollar spent on review. (Total Savings/Total Fees)

Download a copy of our Medical Cost Containment Flyer

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